Sayman Group
Anasayfa > Corporate > MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN


We started our journey in 1941 and for over 75 years have been moving forward with the same enthusiasm and determination. Our goal is to move our company even further, by leveraging our experience, spanning over three generations,proven track-record in the industry, accuracy in analyzing current conditions and making the most of every opportunity with the courage of our convictions.

Sayman Group had three key principles when the seeds of our company were planted in 1940s. Trust, hard Work and innovation. Guided by these three principles and following sustainable growth strategies, we have committed ourselves to setting the bar higher through constant improvement and passing on our corporate values to next generations. Today, looking back on the path we took more than 75 years ago with the motto "Our word is our bond", we can see that these principles and values we adopted have yielded numerous accomplishments. We are very happy and proud to see that we keep moving forward on the right path, as indicated by our strong position, robust financial structure, good reputation and recognized with several international awards granted to us on global platforms.

With a strategic perspective on our business, we expect to see the implications of globalization become increasingly more profound worldwide. With this in mind, we constantly restructure and align our mid- and long-term business plans accordingly to sustain our competitive edge. The globalization movement, the onset of which goes back to 1970s when transnational corporations first burgeoned, has acquired a whole new dimension today. In the global environment, where the collapse of the Bretton Woods system put an end to the convertibility of the US Dollar into gold and severe challenges were faced in the aftermath of the 1973 Oil Crisis that first struck the oil-dependent and oil-importing states and then spread to the global economy, significant steps were being taken in terms of technological development along with liberalization of economic and legal systems.  The globalization process was accelerated by the rapid developments in communication, information and computer technologies. Today, the world has turned into "one big market" with the increased mobility of financial capital flow shaped by fast mobility systems, global spread of the Internet, expansion of trade network and increase in the number of international companies.

Our purpose in our current position is to create more competitive values in global arena. I am confident that with our robust infrastructure and modern management approach, we will be achieving even greater accomplishments in years to come as we did in the past during our 75-year long journey, and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to all of our customers, employees and business partners.

Best Regards,



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